About Us

Zarok Ma

DThe classes are held periodically at the same time every week in groups of 6 children of the same age group, with the participation of one or both parents (mother, father, brother, sister, babysitter, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, uncle, aunt, etc.). The person who regularly attends the lesson with the child should be a relative with whom the child spends time in daily life, so that the child can see and feel this activity-music as an indispensable part of life and not as a lesson. On the other hand, the role of the parent who attends the lesson has a vital impact on the child's musical development.

- Lessons are the first step in making a child feel safe.
- Participates on an equal level with the child during the one-hour activity.
- Thoroughly observe the progress of the lesson.
- All activities done in class are done at home with the child for 5-7 minutes every day, taking into account the child's attention and desire. Even if the child does not want to do the activities, the parent should explain that it is his/her responsibility and he/she should do it himself/herself.

- Each week's stranes sent to the parent watsapp group created for each group of children,
rest with the child twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Together with the child
try to say it. If repeated every day, at the end of a week it will spontaneously
It will be seen that it is already memorized. Therefore, memorization should not be forced in any way.

Parents of children between 0-2 years of age are required to participate throughout the season.
- For 3 year olds, 12 weeks of participation is essential. In exceptional cases, this period may be shorter or longer.
it can take a long time.
- Parents of 4-5 year olds are excluded after 6 weeks of participation.

Since the walls of the classrooms are half-glazed, parents have the chance to say to the child through the glass, "I'm here, relax!". However, we prefer to do this in times of crisis, when trust has not yet been established in the child.
- Participation of other members of the family in the Children's Music Divans that take place once a month
is valuable for the child and for us.